Millcroft rated GOOD on first CQC inspection

At our Leeds service, Millcroft, we have something incredible to celebrate!

A few weeks ago we had our first CQC inspection at Millcroft.  Our team work tirelessly to ensure all of our residents are given the best treatment and care possible to help them achieve their own goals through person centred planning.

We’re thrilled to know that our residents described feeling safe whilst living with us, and that one relative told inspectors “I can’t praise the place enough.”

Millcroft has recently appointed a new registered manager, Emma Taylor, and after only being with us a few months our inspectors commented that the service was “well managed” and the staff all responded positively to the improvements she’s made to the service.

You can read the full report here

Following the inspection and subsequent report, our Assistant Director, Katie Pilkington, had this to say:

“We are so proud of our team at Millcroft for their hard work, passion and dedication to support the development of our new service over the last two years. To see this reflected and recognised by the Care Quality Commission is well deserved and will continue to motivate both our organisation and team to maintain and build on the quality of care provided to residents across all our services”

“Our CQC report comes at an exciting time in our development at Active Pathways as we continue to grow in response to demands on the system.  We have worked closely with our NHS partners in mobilising Millcroft which has led to the development of Heathy House in Halifax, a service that mirrors the model at Millcroft”

For more information of Millcroft, or any of our services, or to make a referral please contact